
March 20, 2008

A belated first anniversary

I just realised that it's just been over a year since I started blogging and I missed it!

It's been an amazing that has really helped my dreams come to fruition, I've found new online friends to support me through the journey and gleaned fabulous ideas and inspiration from their own blogs and lives.

Lately I had been feeling like I'd lost a bit of momentum, but have recently realised that it's not that - it's more that I've become so immersed and familiar with this way of life that I don't really think of what I'm doing on a day to day. It's all so normal for me now. I have hit a bit of a plateau as far as extending beyond where we're at - but I think that really I'm just happy with where we're at for now and when I start to get tetchy with the status quo is when I'll pick up pace again. Perhaps it's linked to seasonal changes - we've had the most fabulous summer I've experienced for a long time. I had a successful spring and summer vegetable garden which was everything I had imagined despite never having had a garden before. It has been enjoyable for all the family, it's given us exercise, it's helped us connect with the outdoors, it's been relaxing and it's given us food!

But I think it goes beyond that too - having decided to home educate the kids has also allowed me accept and embrace being at home (who would have thought before becoming a mother that this was not a simple decision in itself!), simplifying our lives, living in the moment and (for the most part) loving it!


gary said...

Hello Nikki,

I've enjoyed reading about your journey. Your experience of the things you do now being normal to you is similar to ours. The things we do now are 'normal' to us yet appear foreign to many people we know, and quite removed from how we saw life a couple of years ago.

Regards, Gary

Anoushka said...

Happy anniversary Nikki! so sorry about your chicken. I hope you find out what caused it.

cheers, Anoushka

Daisy said...


I peek in here from time to time. You are a source of inspiration for me here and elsewhere on the web. ;) Thanks for sharing your journey.

Happy anniversary!


Nik said...

Hi Gary, yes, I suspect I say "freakish" things to others that just seem normal to me lol.
Hi Anoushka, I'm not certain what happened to the chicken but she may have dehydrated/starved herself since she's been sitting on the nest so much.
Hi Daisy! Good to see you.

Mel said...

Hi there Nikki, i found your blog, i'm going to be your blog fan too if thats ok. Awesome!

Nik said...

LOL Mel, which one are you? I know two!

Sandra said...

Happy anniversary Nikki. Hope you enjoy the next year just as much.

Gypsy said...

Happy annivesary Nikki, I really love reading your blog, and hope you keep going - its so inspiring and always makes me go and plant stuff! Gypsy xx