
March 20, 2008

A productive day

We spent a couple of hours in the garden this afternoon.

I started off cutting all my pumpkins off their vines which had died back. Unfortunately on the undersides of them the skins have started to rot a little. So I won't be able to store these ones. I think I'll need to process them tomorrow before going away on holiday and freeze them. I will need to do some research about this problem for next year's ones.

The chickens have a good roam and scratch around and dust bathing.

Nathan wanted to get busy in the garden and asked if the corn stalks could be pulled out, so he set to work and pulled two entire patches. Then moved his piles away. He told me "if I put these stalks over here, they will turn into compost". Unfortunately he got a little over enthusiastic and pulled up my super large courgette plant thinking it was a pumpkin plant that had done it's dash even though it is still happily providing courgettes. Oh well, we've had plenty. He declared he liked working together as a team as it made the job fun.

We then harvested apples. There wasn't a huge amount of fruit this year as well back at the beginning of summer one of the large branches snapped off although the fruit continued to grow since it was still attached. A lot of the fruit was attacked by codling moth and the rest had blemishes that needed cutting out. So we decided to turn them into apple chips and this evening Nathan helped me as I prepared the slices for the dehydrator. His job was to place the slices into the water with vitamin C in it (to stop the flesh browning) and then placing on the trays. We filled 7 trays.

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