
March 19, 2008

The course is almost over

Well, my organic horticulture course has only a few weeks left. I've really enjoyed going along one evening a week. Even if all of the material we cover isn't necessarily what I'm after, just being a part of a group of like-minded people has been enjoyable. The field trips have been particularly interesting and a great way to get to know the others better. We went and visited out tutor's permaculture property on Saturday and it was wonderful to see what they had built up over the past 20 years. They had a bit of everything it seemed - orchards with pigs and chickens (pigs that like licking bare toes I found out - wearing jandals perhaps wasn't the best idea), vege garden, swimming pool which had a natural water feed and filtering system with natural minerals instead of chemicals, grey water system, a barn decked out for WWOOFers to stay in, a wind turbine to power lights, solar power, bees, outdoor pizza oven, cool cellar for the potatoes.

We'll be heading away for a 10 day holiday this weekend to visit friends and family, so will miss a week and I'll have about 3 assignments to catch up on too! But since I will gain a diploma from it all, it will be all worth it.

Now, to find an interesting at-home contract role that combines my organic horticulture with proofreading/editing (not that you'd know from my blog posts lol) - that could be an interesting combination...

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