
July 31, 2007

While out and about...

Ha! Well I wrote a big long waffley post about our history of creating community (or lack of rather) over the past 7yrs of living in this town - but hit the delete key.

Despite having a very busy social life full of "playdates" with friends of mine and Nathan's (Danielle's yet to have any of her own), it has never felt like I've created much of a community out of that for some reason (all good friends and I love having them as a part of our lives). However, while out today running a few errands (paying dog registration, going to the organic shop and in a shop exchanging an item) we bumped into someone we knew at each of those places. And it wasn't till later that I realised they were all new people in our lives from the past 3mths under completely different circumstances - and that felt really cool! One couple who we saw in the organic shop I just met last Friday at the meeting about the community garden, a friend who I met off the internet (a parenting message board)and recently moved to this town has just started working and we bumped into her while paying our dog registration, and in the shop I was exchanging an item was the mum of a boy we met at a recent birthday party who Nathan has played with and we are catching up again with. What was so cool is the fact that if this had been 3mths ago, this afternoon's trip out for 1hr would have been just *us 3* going about our errands in a faceless society, yet today, everywhere we walked we met friends.

Add this on to yesterday at playcentre (where we have been going for 2mths) I got speaking to a mum who I found we seemed to have a lot in common with - so I have now made my first playcentre friend and we have extended that out beyond that group.

Sorry for the dribbly post - just a little bit of *feel good* going on...


Sandra said...

I remember getting that feeling here - it does feel really good.

Rach said...

Nikki That's one thing I love where we live too - last time we walked up to the vege shop more than ten friends honked us as they drove past! It's NEVER less than three - even if we only walk the 1km to the post office. Makes ya feel loved eh!

Fire said...

Ooooh I just know you'll make good friends at playcentre!