
July 31, 2007

Onwards with my 100 things list...

I was reflecting on the list again the other night and realised I have actually made more moves towards completing a few of the things - even though I haven't actively been doing that since my original audit. It seems because my awareness is heightened that I have been working on them anyway.

13. Take an introduction to permaculture class, or read up on permaculture. Toby Hemenway's book _Gaia's Garden:An Introduction to Home-Scale Permaculture_ is an excellent start. Begin replacing ornamental plants with edibles that are also beautiful. Ah yes, goodbye ornamentals in the front garden to make way for tomatoes and goodbye 2m diameter circle of grass for herb Friday group will be hosting many speakers who are experienced in permaculture gardening and other useful skills.

21. Encourage useful plant volunteers, and learn to propagate more plants by cuttings, layering and grafting. Plant your extras, or share them with neighbors and friends. Sadly my two herb cuttings I took didn't take - could have been lack of attention though (ie water!). (Anoushka, how did your cutting take? Have Melanie's wise words proven true?)

54. Sometimes you get more by giving things away than by selling them. Do you have something you don't need? Extra produce? Spare time? Give extra tomatoes to a neighbor, offer spare items to friends, go over and help out someone who could use it. Good deeds mostly return to us. Well, kids clothes seem to be the only things we are in on at the moment - I have a friend I give Nathan's old clothes to, she in turn sometimes buys bulk clothes second hand which are the size for Nathan and she knows she will get it back one day (albeit in slightly more worn condition).

85. If you have to choose between being close to family and community and being close to work, choose work only if you believe your job is quite stable in the long term. Yay, Simon has now secured a job locally! Stability long term - well no worse than what he was doing before if not more stable.

OK, so not too many things achieved, but it was good rereading the list to refocus on a few easy things that can be knocked off while keeping in mind the bigger long term goals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My cutting is doing really well thank you. I don't know whether the vermipost helped or whether it's just that geraniums grow like weeds anyway...I'm planning to try some more cuttings from my parents' hebes. They grow like weeds too. How can I go wrong?