
August 04, 2007

New month, new plantings...

Well, I'm currently trialling my egg cartons as seed trays. Yesterday after consulting my homemade planting diary, I planted seeds into 3, dozen egg size cartons (wow, hope I got my grammar right on that sentence lol) which have lids to keep the moisture in as well as my propagator (two seeds per section). This is my first "big" month of growing with the hopes of them being ready for September planting. My diary differs from my original planting plan I worked out after poring over a several more books - I pulled together a few more ideas and worked out our vegetable needs for the next year and with the idea of spacing our planting out over the recommended planting period for each plant type. All up, I planted about 120 seeds, and that allows for a portion to "not take". I have a few more to do tomorrow since I realised I had the wrong season for a few of the packets I had chosen, so had to buy a few more today.

My seedlings in toilet tubes from last month are coming along well and I'm hoping the cardboard doesn't decompose before they get in the ground!

I have also laid out about 25 seed potatoes - nice and classy on my bedroom windowsill (well after all, I've got to keep the propagators and seedlings company which are sitting on my bedroom dresser and in my wardrobe...hehe.

This morning I turned the soil in my two vacated vege beds that the chickens have already worked on. Very cool! I was able to skim the remaining weed roots off the surface of the soil and as I turned it I saw heaps and heaps of lovely fat worms doing their business underneath! Very encouraging since I was started to fret that the soil quality might not be so good (although I had been reassured that the bountiful weeds growing down there is a good sign). It was so easy to dig (good that we'd had a bit of rain).

The heads on the brocolli's in my top garden are finally starting to grow! It's been a long slow 3mths, but they're speeding along now. And not a caterpillar in sight which is what destroyed my last lot over summer.

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