
August 09, 2007

Go for it girls!

I've been a bit uneasy about the chickens being cooped up all the time, so today after a bit of encouragement from Rose we decided to let the chooks out for a roam around while we were down there with them (don't trust the neighbours dog to not come through our shrubby/bushy area that isn't able to be easily fenced off).

It took them all of about 20secs to realise that that open door was for them to walk out of. The black one is always the bravest and she ventured out first with the other two right behind her. They kept to the area around the grapefruit tree and just took their time pecking away. We were careful not to spook them and lose them over the fence despite it being about 5 foot high - I've seen them easily jumping/flying 1 metre off the ground (what's with my mixing metrics with imperial measurements lol!) so wasn't sure that they couldn't go further if they wanted to.

After about 10mins, Nathan and I herded them back in without drama (they weren't going to be enticed in by any food I was going to offer them lol).

So, we'll let them out a few times a week from now on or whenever we're working down there (which is zilch at the moment).

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