
July 02, 2007

Bok, Bok!

Woohoo, I finally found myself some bantams! I have been waiting for a seller on Trade Me to relist more since they live local and I've not found any others advertised anywhere. I was just starting to think I was needing to get full size chickens and then be sneaky around the bylaw, but not anymore!

So, better get onto finishing off that chicken coop. Simon finished the framework yesterday, so now the wire and tarp just needs attaching, make the perch and laying box.


Fire said...

Ooooooh exciting! Are they there yet? When do we get a pic? I want details, names, colours, how excited the kids were.... and just can't wait for your very first egg!

Melanie Rimmer said...

Hi Nikki,

I've nominated you for a Bloggers for Positive Global Change award.

Have a look at:
to see how to participate in this meme.
