
July 01, 2007

How very domestic of me...haha

After reading my new library book on food storage before bed last night, I suddenly (at about 3am!) remembered (dreamed?) that I had a bag of plums in my freezer for doing *something* with.

Recipe #1 - Spicy plum sauce

So, today I made my first real sauce/chutney for storage. For some reason, until now, the thought of gathering old jars, cleaning, sterilising etc etc has *really* put me off wanting to do something like this. But, after a bit of reading of recipes it really was not all that hard!

I found two recipes that seemed to be what I wanted, but I had barely any of the ingredients to make either one. So I ended up making a compromise between the two recipes and came up with my own. It was very tasty.

1-1.5 kg plums
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 large onion finely chopped
2 tsp chilli powder
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp fresh ginger
1 T garam masala
1 tsp salt
1.5 cups soft brown sugar

Wash and put whole plums into a large pot and cover with the vinegar. Heat on low while the rest of the ingredients are being prepared. Chop up onion and add to the plums along with the garam masala, chilli, garlic and ginger. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20-30mins until the plums disintegrate. Add the salt and brown sugar, bring back to the boil. Turn off and let sit for 15mins. Strain through a large seive. Boil up clean jars and their lids and set to drain. Fill the hot jars with the sauce right up to the top, immediately put lid on.

Recipe #2 - Chicken Stock

We had a roast chicken for dinner, so decided to make some chicken stock using the left over carcass. I popped the carcass, chopped onion, carrot, celery, parsley into the crockpot, covered with water and will leave it on high for 5hrs. Strain and put into containers for freezing.

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