
July 07, 2007

Meet the girls!

Well we finally picked them up yesterday afternoon. They travelled home in a sack, but were quiet all the way and took a bit of coaxing out at the other end.

They seemed to settle in right away and pecked away at the abundant weeds, I threw in some extra chickweed growing nearby and gave them some water with added garlic, apple cider vinegar as per the sellers suggestions for worming. She also gave me some olive branches to boil up into a tea and give them some every day for a week since one of them had a bit of a croaky voice from a suspected cold.

They are all cross-breeds - but two of them have silky in them and the other I'm not sure. So we discussed on the way home what their names should be and decided on:

The black one is called Moon
The beige one is called Mouse (named by Nathan)
The white one is called Milly

Two of them found the sheltered area pretty quickly and jumped up onto the perches and then proceeded to jump on top of the laying box which didn't have a lid, so guess it was nice for them to cling onto and they snuggled down closely for the night since it was just getting dark. The other poor wee one (Milly) was wandering around outside getting a bit stressed out wondering where her buddies had gone and kept flying up the sides of the coop. So I had to go in and carry her over to the housed area. Unfortunately she decided to stay sitting on the cold grass underneath but was apparently fine and when I got up this morning they were already busy trotting around.

Simon needed to add a door to the coop since yesterday was a real rush job just to get all the wire on before we needed to go and pick them up. Then this evening he went and added a flared out piece of wire around the outside to deter any dogs/cats/rats/ferrets etc from trying to break in.

Here's just a shot looking from down the bottom of the garden where the chickens are up to the house. And one of Nathan climbing the pear tree looking pretty pleased with himself.

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