
February 12, 2009

A big ole batch of tomatoes

Today I realised I'd accumulated quite a few tomatoes that gave me enough to cook down to freeze. It was hosing down outside, so was good to have a few inside domestic duties to get into which broke me from the hum-drum of washing, tidying and cleaning.

Last year I made them into a tomato fondue which I used for pizza sauce, pasta sauce in spaghetti bolognese etc - but since I've found myself all "cooked out" recently, decided to just cook them down plain and freeze into portion sizes that I can flavour up later.

I got about 4 cans worth from this batch.

And the kids enjoying some freshly cooked tomatoes...

And while I was in the mood I set another batch of beans to soak overnight to make up tomorrow. Yay, looking forward to easy lunches around here again for minimal cooking. Even though I have no store bought option at the moment due to the extra ingredients, if I were buying organic baked beans by the tin this works out at about the same cost while I am able to use my own home grown tomatoes.

We tasted our new batch of yoghurt today and I found it had a lovely tart taste which when done with a shorter culture time seems to not have so much. So, so far a success.


Sandra said...

all interesting, as usual, Nikki. I've done two lots of pasta sauce so far this season but bought (local) tomatoes as my own are just coming on board. Brighid picks most of them green and eats them that way. I will post my baked beans recipe but might not be until next week.

Are you 'allowed' black beans? I have a fabulous black bean soup recipe...

Anonymous said...
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Nik said...

Hi Sandra, no black beans are not allowed. Only haricot. I'm not a huge bean fan, so not too sad about it lol.