
February 21, 2008

Enough tomatoes!

I've been waiting! Well, I had finally accumulated enough tomatoes (almost 2kg) to make up a batch of tomato fondue from my gluten free cookbook (I did a double recipe). This is my staple recipe I use for pizza bases and as a sauce for pasta. It's delicious!

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onions finely chopped
1 garlic clove crushed
900gm very ripe tomatoes, peeled or 2 x 400gm tins
salt, pepper and sugar to taste (I use 1 tsp salt & 1 tsp sugar)
1 tablespoon of any of the following: fresh chopped mint, basil or thyme, parsley, lemon balm and marjoram - I like basil and mint)
A few drops of balsamic vinegar

Heat oil in saucepan. Add onions and garlic, toss until coated, cover and sweat on gentle heat until soft but not coloured. It is vital for the success of this dish that the onions are completely soft before adding the tomatoes. Slice the peeled fresh or tinned tomatoes and add with all the juice to the onions.
Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Add the herbs. Cook, covered for 10mins. Remove the lid and continue to cook for about 10mins or until the tomatoes are soft. Add a few drops of balsamic vinegar at the end of cooking to enhance the flavour.

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