
January 20, 2009

Thought I'd do an update on where Nathan's health is at.

We are still on our gluten free, grain free, sugar free diet. I have re-started with the potatoes as it was too tricky going without and I feel that his body copes with them fine.

However, today I was notified by the nurse at the doctor's surgery that he has an egg allergy (far out!) when I took him for some blood tests a few weeks back trying to find out the trigger for his nephrotic syndrome (why am I as the parent needing to be the one doing all the leg work and research??). Not sure if this is the trigger and he's never shown any "typical" allergy symptoms to anything (the coeliacs is a bit different and was sorted out 3 yrs ago) until a few days ago with a dry cough, itchy throat and the odd sneeze. But it's quite likely these two things are somehow related only there is no firm research out there currently that ties them together just yet. as of after breakfast this mornign he is now off eggs. I am also eliminating all dairy in the meantime to see if when I introduce it back if there are any changes. May as well do all these food restrictions/challenges now while we're pretty much restricted anyway eh?! So the kid's only eating fruit, vegetables, meat, pulses and seeds/nuts (millet is apparently a seed so he can still eat that) for the next few weeks. Once again, he's totally cool about that - of course, it's a different matter when we leave the house and he sees all the foods available...


Leanne said...


We have found this with the health system - especially as James was one of the early ones with so many allergies.
Vorn Richardson Wn hosp - get a referal to him from your gp. He is good & also listens to mothers.

Chris monastra is the homeopath we use & is great for our family, we are seeing him today.

Have you tried rice bread? we get ours direct from Dovedale - works out much cheaper than organic/ww shop

If he is diagonised with allergies by medical system - you will be eligible for child disability allowance - pays for the rice bread each week at least.

we got peaches in organic pack yum!

Love Leanne

Nik said...

Thanks Leanne. I will check out that rice bread once we put him back on other grains. I will be seeing our homeopath again tomorrow to go through all these extra things. We already get the CDA for the coeliacs, so I guess it would just be the one payment regardless of the issues do you know?

Yeah, we got heaps of peaches last week too! I've just upgraded to the largest box and easily got through it all (except for the masses of citrus LOL).

Must have a chat with you some time about how you deal with the multiple allergies and alternatives. Actually I will let Nathan know that James also can't eat eggs and other things, he likes to know that others are going through the same thing as him.

Sandra said...

Thanks for the update Nikki. I've been thinking of you and Nathan.

It is hard work when you want to learn prevention not just drugs to suppress symptoms. Part of fully parenting to be in some control of research based knowledge though and you are really really good at parenting fully in so many other ways.

The ownership of choice website is really helping me on our journey into the immune system universe. I started out for Fionn and am now also piecing things together for my own suppressed immune system history.

Good luck on your journey Nikki and Nathan.

Nova said...

must be one of those times you're glad you don't have to contend with lunch box comparisons day in & day out!

i hope you can get to the bottom of all this!!

Johanna Knox said...

Good to hear your update Nikki. All the best with it as it continues. At least you have a lovely and fun home to be in for times when going out is hard! xx