
January 20, 2009

Summer Camping

For the past two years we've planned a few camping trips away with friends. Over the weekend we for a trip about 1/2 hr away and spent one day at the Organic River Festival. Last year we camped there, but this year we decided to stay nearby and just do a day trip.

Danielle was keen to chop up veges for our first night's dinner.

At the festival the next day...

The next day had torrential downpours, so we decided to head north to the next city 1/2 hr away. We'd been meaning to get up there some time over summer and check out the science museum.

By the time we got back to our tent for dinner the day had finally cleared up, but there was apparently more to come that night. So after dinner we pretty much packed up our entire tent into the car and just kept the sleeping gear in the tent just in case we needed to do an evacuation during the night. But fortunately, the wind died off about 4am and we woke to a beautiful sunny day. We headed off home early and had a relaxing day at home recovering.


Stephanie said...

Aah, rained out camping trips.
With children.
How fun! [rolls eyes]

Oof. I'd still be recovering.

Nancy said...

We had been on a camping trip in Oklahoma one year when we were treated to one of the most spectacular thunder and light symphonies I have ever seen! Luckily we were able to "escape" to a near by hotel for the most climatic parts...*; )