
September 19, 2008

Oh well...

So much for getting things done without a computer lol. I managed to get my old laptop up and running and only had it cut out on me once so far.

With the rain and warmish weather we've been having this week the garden (and the weeds) are booming! The lettuces look as vibrant as ever, the brassicas that have been in over winter are finally looking close to growing heads (hehe, that sounds funny) and more potatoes have sprung up.

I planted a few tomato plants down in the garden. I'm a little weary of having done it so soon, but they're in a sheltered spot that gets good all day sun. My other seedlings are looking awesome!

Exciting news! One of my little chickens laid her first egg yesterday. I'm not sure which one it was, but whoever the poor wee girl was she must have torn a little as the egg came out as there were blood stains on the shell. I have been assured is very common and normal though.

I went to the Transition Towns movie night last night and saw What a Way To Go. I saw this last year and was quite depressed for a week afterwards, but it didn't have much of an impact on me last night. I guess I'm so far along now that my mindset has been changed, I've grieved, I sprung into action and put as much into place as possible that I feel I've done pretty much all I can within my means and we just have to face what comes whenever that might be (or are we all the frogs slowly boiling right now??).

When I did my fortnightly grocery shop today I also had a huge list of foods to add (or replace!) to the emergency supplies. I added a few more things I hadn't really thought of after reading Sharon Astyk's blog. So I added many packets of popcorn (afterall, the kids and Simon eat a lot of this and I'm sure I could bring myself to if need be).


J said...

Glad to hear things in your garden are moving along! Things are winding down in my neck of the woods, but I am attempting an indoor winter garden since I live in an apartment and don't have access to land for a greenhouse or a hoop house. We'll see how that one goes.

That is scary about the egg! I would have been worried too. I'm happy to hear that this is fairly common.

I bet that documentary is pretty scary - especially for someone like me who doesn't have much in place. I do what I can.

I read Sharon's blog too, it always makes me feel so unprepared for a peak oil future, but I'm also thankful she's there as I wouldn't have thought of many of the things she suggests.

trendy georgia said...

Hi tere,
Im glad I found another kiwi blog insterested in a simpler way of life like me.!!
Ill enjoy having a good read thru and catching up.
Have a great day

Sandra said...

ah. about to grow heads, your broccoli? I nearly pulled my headless broccoli out today in disgust and impatience. I'll give them a fortnight's reprieve in which to perform then...