
April 22, 2008

Stretching those crusts

Gluten free bread isn't the nicest at the best of times. It's kind of hard, stiff and not that tasty (and more savoury than good with jams) - well, in my opinion anyway. I don't eat the stuff, but the kids do for their toast - it's no good as sandwich bread really. (That's the negative, moany part of my post lol).

So, the end crusts really are even less appealing and they have been piling up in the freezer till I decided what to do with them. One idea was to put them in the kitchen whizz and make breadcrumbs. But today I decided we'd make a little snack from them. I made up some garlic butter, cut the crusts into strips, coated in butter and baked till they were crispy. They came out like little pita bread chips and were a success.


Anonymous said...

They sound yummy Nikki!

(heehee, my word verification is bnhay)

Nik said...

LOL at the verification. They were yummy and didn't last long!

Moonwaves said...

They do look good. Another great recipe for using up stale bread (catching it before it starts growing obviously, something I've had problems with in the past) is savoury bread & butter pudding as found here:
I wonder if it would work with your gluten free as well.

Gypsy said...

Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! With that in mind I hope you don't mind but I've tagged you for a food meme at - see if you can get crusts into the challenge!