
April 23, 2008

A tiny moment

You know when something happens or you see something and it just touches you for whatever reason?

Well, this morning as I was walking down the hallway on the way to have my shower I spotted the sunlight glowing on the table illuminating a jar of flowers that I had received for my birthday last week.

What made it so gorgeous was a combination of the colours so bright in the dull room and the fact that the sunlight had to hit through the skylight in the lounge about three metres away at that particular angle to get anywhere near my table (doesn't happen in summer) let alone right on top of the flowers. It's a shame my photo skills don't do it justice.

I love gerbera's - they're my favourite flower.

A few years ago I wrote down what gerbera's symbolise to me...(as retrivied from my journal).

~ beauty
~ softness
~ light
~ petals reach out in all directions (not closed or linear)
~ fluidity
~ change
~ flexibility

Kind of sums up this Journey as well.

1 comment:

Mena Lima said...

I'm really enjoying reading your blog, it's so natural and down to earth, keep it up!!!

Hugs from Portugal