
April 25, 2008

A thinking day

Today was ANZAC day - 25th April.

This is the day we commemorate New Zealanders killed in war (and Australians do likewise) and honour our returned servicemen and women.

For me, today constantly had me thinking about the women at home - and the hard work it would have been to help keep the country ticking along by signing up for labour intensive work and military jobs, keeping homes and families together, fed and looked after.

As I watched Simon labour away making a bench for our sunporch I reflected how that would have been near impossible for me to do if I so wished (although I doubt I would have dedicated the time to do such a non-practical task back during the war). And as I dug my garden some more and leisurely planted some herbs I'm not so sure that the same could have been said for wartime women who would have approached their gardening in a different mindset.

It also felt right to be eating a humble - yet tasty - vegetable soup (Borscht) for dinner.

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