
April 25, 2008

Our recylced benchseat

This morning I was telling Simon how I've been loving sitting out on the porch now that the sun is lower in the sky and it sweeps in around there all day and is a gorgeous sun trap. He had been down in the garage and came up to float the idea of using a couple of large tree trunk rounds as part of a benchseat for the porch - an idea I liked very much. We then pondered what we could use as the bench part as we didn't want to go out and buy wood - would kind of defeat the purpose of what we were wanting to do. A few weeks back we had dismantled our square foot garden and the macrocarpa sleepers were still lying in the front garden, so although they were huge and an overkill for what was required, it felt right that we use them here. The bench seat can always be remodelled into something else if the need arises. We also now have a large bag of sawdust which I will be able to use as mulch on the garden paths in Spring.


skatey katie said...

woah, it's me, delurking some months after my last comment lol
absolutely *love* your bench seat!!! X

Nik said...

Thanks Sparkly! I've been loving it as well - if there's sun, the kids know where to find me, my book and my cup of tea lol. I lurk your blog too!