
April 03, 2008

Finding the balance...spendy or frugal

Well, those of you who have been following along with my journey over the past year have seen me decluttering, cutting back on non-essential buying (well, I have always lived a reasonably frugal life anyway and made well thought out purchases even if not essential and that's the way I still live - we're not Compactors here), minimising my cleaning/personal products, discovering ways of eating simply in terms of locally, seasonally and whole foods yet finding tasty ways that still delight us rather than feel like we're missing out, making our entire life work for our family and not concerning ourselves with what others are doing, and connecting with like-minded families...

But boy, what a shake up I had while away on holiday...we stayed with friends and family who live in far from humble homes, stock their fridges with so much food of many varieties and flavours (and not just for our benefit), had lovely homes which looked straight from a Home and Garden magazine and I felt like I was missing out - like I too needed to have more and that we had dropped completely out of touch with reality - I felt envious and poor (rather than remembering we were voluntarily choosing to be frugal and living a simple life) and I felt really out of sorts! I too like a tidy, neat, well-matched home, and having a well stocked pantry, but I felt like I needed more, more, more!

I really felt out of place and like I was caught between proudly stating who we are and what we believe and putting on a false face to feel like I still fit in with the "way I was". Yuck. I don't want or need all that food and besides, the kids are completely happy with what we usually have at home (they do actually get plenty of *other* foods when they request them or we come up with a mutually agreeable alternative), I don't need all those fragranced shampoos, conditioners, face cleansers, body washes, hand creams when I'm perfectly happy with my baking soda, apple cider vinegar and my daily source of "smelly" stuff is in the form of Ecostore Sandalwood soap (I do think some attractive bottles or labels to put them in may alleviate some deep down longing though...).

So, I was really relieved to walk into a friends house (one I hadn't met before but have known online for many years) and felt instantly refreshed and like I was at home. There was kid-mess, there were eaten fruit skins left out on the table, toys and random experiments lying around, I had to step over a pile of smashed up wood outside the front door (homeschoolers making insect discoveries). So I was brought down to earth at a time I really needed it.

The whole experience made me realise how far we've come, but also how much we fit into our life at home, how the community and networks we've created are *so* right for us and how we love it. But it's also just knowing that the people we visited are doing what is right for them but that I have nothing to be envious of. And thank goodness for my online networks which widen my community and help me realise I'm not alone.


Rach said...

It was so cool to meet you at the I can *hear* you writing!

Malva said...

Think of the amount of garbage and waste your spendy friends/family must produce on a weekly basis...

Normally that's enough to bring me back to earth. Wastefulness is disgraceful. I can't put my finger on it right now but it makes me queasy for some reason.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great experience. It's hard to chose to live in a way that's against the grain. Good for you for recalling why you do.

Daisy said...

Funny.... I'm always impressed by how pretty your place looks. (Don't disqualify my point of view just because I've only seen pictures of it from your blog.) Additionally, I think it is very tough to compete with the beauty of nature. Thanks for this entry, I can really relate!

Nik said...

Rach, it was great to meet you too!

Malva, yeah, I shuddered at tossing out another wrapper...

Domestic, it was actually a good thing to have experienced and reassessed even if it made me feel uncomfortable and took me a while to figure out why.

Daisy, I actually feel a bit of a contradiction really - it's not that I don't think people should have nice looking houses and things, but gosh, the feeling *I* got of just needing to improve and have more kwim? It was weird how strongly I felt that and that I am still affected by those feelings yet am not on a day to day basis.

Chile said...

Oh, I was nodding my head right along with your as I read this. I've been in nice homes filled with nice stuff and wonderful variety of foods, and suddenly felt so shabby. I'll momentarily dream of getting new furniture that actually matches for the house, new towels, new clothes, and on and on. Then I'll sit and listen to them whine about how hard they have to work at their job(s), how much debt they have, and how tired they also are, and I realize that all that new, shiny stuff doesn't make them happy.

Nope, I've made the choice to get more out of life than a huge pile o' debt and unhappiness.

Sandra said...

Great post Nikki. Powerful reminder of peer power and helps me articulate my response to similar situations. Go the no TV life aye?!