
March 10, 2008


Yep, that was how big the first pumpkin is! That's 13.9 pounds for those who don't work in kg's.

I'm thinking, if the rest of my dozen or so pumpkins also grow this big then I'll be seriously looking at selling them to the organic shop the next town over that sells off excess produce from local people who grow spray-free produce.


Unknown said...

That's really big!!!

Why is the pumpkin white?

Nik said...

Hi, it's called a Grey Crown pumpkin - a common pumpkin in NZ. We don't have the big orange skinned ones (not that I've seen anyway).

Sandra said...

Awesome growing Nikki. We had no pumpkins (too late, too dead, too something). Hoping for better results next year.

Nik said...

All the best for next years Sandra. Interestingly, these were all my self-seeded ones that just kept on popping up after the chickens had eaten what they wanted of the flesh(and probably pooped on!). I ripped SO many plants they were just everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Found you :-)
So envious of your clean green lifestyle. It's all I can do to recycle. And I killed my garden. Perhaps next year you can give me advice...oh no, don't tell me this garden thing is year round?
Oh, like your other blog too! :-)

Nik said...

:) Hay!