
January 08, 2008

Silverbeet and it's many uses!

Well, I've got masses of spinach and silverbeet on the go at the moment. It seems to be our staple "green" (and I've been including the stalks in my cooking). In the past few weeks I've used it in...

~ pizza toppings
~ polenta pie topping
~ blended into my refried beans
~ part of the spaghetti bolognese sauce
~ pasta sauce
~ sauteed in ginger as a side to other dishes
~ mashed into potatoes
~ sprinkled on breakfast cereal (nah, just kidding lol!)

Basically, anywhere I can add it I do!

(Sorry for the boring blah post, it's been raining non-stop for two days and I'm over it - so are my chickens who are camping out under their shelter).


Anonymous said...

Have you ever tasted "risotto with spinach" ? it's delicious !
:) Anna

Chile said...

Mmm, I love greens! We get lots of them during the winter from the CSA. If you need recipe ideas, there are plenty on our CSA website in the searchable database.