
December 30, 2007

Sunny Days

We've had some gorgeous weather again after continual all-day rain on Christmas day and for part days afterwards. Then it went cold for a few days...

The sunflowers are either all flowering or have done their thing and lost their petals (it was fun watching them rotate as the day went on to follow the sun). I really want to harvest the seeds and store them for eating. We have pulled away the remains of the flower (the one that has lost all it's petals) and exposed the seeds underneath. We are going to leave the head on the stem until the seeds plump out some more before cutting the head off to dry before gently rubbing them out (apparently when they literally fall out it is the best way to tell when they are ready). They will then be dried on trays or roasted and stored.


Sandra said...

I didn't get around to planting our tall sunflowers this year. The dwarf ones aren't eating ones I don't think (hybrid bred for cut flowers). Are you having to protect the flower heads from the birds?

Nik said...

These are Russian Giants which I thought were the edible variety? The flower pictured is pretty short lol, but the others are 6-7ft tall. Haven't had to protect the heads yet, haven't seen any birds on them, but will keep an eye out and maybe put paper bags over them if I have to.