
December 30, 2007

Getting rid of the grossness...

We are overrun by flies! Urgh!

I even resorted to using flyspray during the week but it didn't make a difference. Probably didn't help that the doors remain open (without screens). Nevermind.

So today my parents came over for a visit and something my stepdad said (totally unrelated to flies!) brought back a strong visual memory of a disgusting contraption that my granddad had outside their house. I visualised a bottle-full of half dead flies. Blech.

Anyway, after questioning further, we got the instructions on how to construct our own - apparently they will attract flies from a wee distance away, so figured even if it was set up down in the garden it may deal to the houseflies too and I wouldn't need to look at it daily (or freaking any visitors out).

I suspect the bottle really needs to be clear (but this was the only one in our recycling bin, so had to do for now) since the flies are attracted to the sunlight when trying to escape out the inverted funnel but can't quite figure it out and fly around until exhausted. For bait, Simon put some sweet stuff in there along with some chicken poo (I know that attracts the flies coz I get assaulted by them when I go down to feed them!). So if this works, we may put another up nearer the house.


Bridget said...

We used one last summer because I didn't want to inhale flyspray whilst growing a baby. Worked really well, it was hanging in that loquat tree and seemed to distract any flies planning on coming inside!

Nik said...

It is working well so far. Plenty of flies lying in the goop at the bottom. I think we need anothe closer to the house now...