
November 27, 2007

A Wonder-Full day

Well, Rach has inspired me again. It spurred me into action to do what we do anyway, but be a little more intentional about it rather than just falling into the trap/routine/humdrum (??) of just having another home-filled day. So although we enjoy those home days, and do things in the weekends with dadda, it gave me the oompf to actually get out and have our own adventures during the week too!

So, I remembered hearing about some rock pools down the coast a little way. I had never been there but have always been meaning to take the kids there. So after a few morning chores including giving the garden a quick weed (and discovering our rainbow coloured carrots are growing after all - a lovely Wonder to start the day with) while the chickens were out for a run around, a quick top up cuppa tea for me, bag packed with food, water, hats, spare clothes, our latest chapter book and us all sunscreened up - we were off at 10.30am.

Fifteen minutes down the road and we were at our destination.

We discovered:

Rock pools
Dead crabs x 3 (they were bought home to show dad, 2 fleshy (non-smelling) have disappeared - hmmm, me thinks the dog snaffled them up!)
A sea anemone
Various seaweeds
Wild goats wandering on the rocks x 2

The kids had heaps of relaxing fun throwing stones into the water, climbing up the rocks (Little Miss D surprised me with her keenness and agility at this, playgrounds don't really do it for her, so I've just assumed she's not into or not confident at this type of thing), running through the water and general busy-ness.

Once back at the car for a sitdown on the grass with some food, I wandered back across to collect up some seaweed to take home for the chickens and the compost.

Back with the kids and I read a chapter from their book before heading home.

(Just a shame that EVERY time (I'm not exaggerating) we drive down that stretch of highway there is a car accident blocking at least one lane of road if not an accident happening right IN FRONT or NEXT to me - no wonder I only do that trip every few months).

1 comment:

Wendy said...

sounds like a wonderful day. The pictures are so beautiful, how fortunate you are to have something like that so close to home!