
October 10, 2007

Living the Good Life - the book

I borrowed this book from the library a couple of days ago (well actually, rather than me making a special trip down there, I had Simon pick it up for me on his way elsewhere) and I can't put it down. I'm 1/4 of the way through it and really enjoying it! I briefly heard of this book about 6mths ago, but kept forgetting about it until a few weeks back. Their journey is really inspiring. I love the recipes interspersed throughout, the funny stories, the successes and the failures. I'm also wanting to read Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life at some stage but have a pile of books to make my way first and hoping that my local bookshops will have it back in stock.


Sharonnz said...

I've been trying to borrow this one for an age. It's either always out or I cannot find it on the shelf where it's supposed to be. (It might accidentally find its way onto the book budget!)

Melanie Rimmer said...

I loved this book. It was a really good read as well as inspiring and informative.

Moonwaves said...

That's on my list to read as well. Since I discovered the world of blogging my list of books to read has grown and grown. Or perhaps more to the point, I now actually write down (well, copy and paste into an email) books I hear about online that sound interesting.

I picked up Animal, Vegetable, Miracle in the airport and read it while I was away recently. Really enjoyed that and particularly liked the way there were contributions from her husband and older daughter too.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've finally found it. I loved it too. I read it twice before I had to take it back to the library. I loved the way she was honest about how hard it was and the little diversions from the rules they'd set themselves.