
October 11, 2007

Rain, rain, go away...

Well, we've had weeks of fairly persistent rain. We've had the odd half day's respite, but it's been pretty relentless. I have hope though. This afternoon the clouds parted and the sun came out and it was warm. Not much of a breeze though to shift that humidity and moisture that seems to have permeated into the house and everything within it.

At least I managed to get one load of washing dry that's been on the drying rack for a few days, switched clothes off the nappy drying rack so I could put out my nappies which were getting down to the last one. I used up the last tonight and fortunately there will be dry ones for the morning.

It's the spring weather that makes me long for a clothes dryer.

I don't have problems in winter trying to dry clothes with having the woodburner to toast them all off in front of overnight (not to mention that over winter we didn't have nearly as much rain as what we have in the last few weeks!). But with it not being cold enough in the evenings to light a fire now, yet having wet days for days on end it really does make for a bit of juggling of things.

All this rain has also escalated a Roof Problem that I kept hoping would go away. We have a leak in one of our lounge skylights that leaks periodically (depending on the wind direction I think). So we've also bit the bullet and decided to have the entire roof replaced since it's starting to get rust holes all over the show and it won't be long before there are leaks elsewhere. Since we have fully committed to staying in this home for the long term it will definitely be a worthwhile investment. No more waking in the middle of the night to a downpour sending Simon out to put a bucket under the drips when I should be snuggling down and enjoying the sound of the rain on the roof.

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