
September 13, 2007

Emergency kit reassessment

After getting our emergency supplies finally in order a few months back - it really gave me a sense of security in knowing that we'd have about a months worth of food at least and then our fruit and vege supply on top of that. Well I've since added another 5kg bag of rice to our stocks (already had 10kg). I did have a feeling of unease though recently that I hadn't accounted for everything, so a few nights ago I had Simon lug the wheelibin up into the house to unpack and itemise it all with expiry dates for replacement (which I hadn't done in my haste). Well it seems it was just as well - we discovered a heap of things were wet as one of the water containers had leaked and sprayed over everything. So I'm now needing to replace all the tinned food as the tins are starting to rust on the outside, so would rather do that now and know it's all OK. Fortunately everything else was fine (or in plastic bags).

I have also now added a crank/solar charging radio/torch, a decent multi-tool and sleeping bags.

And, I also feel I need to let my friends and family know that we're working on our supplies (not that the bin in the lounge can be missed!) and gently encourage them to assess their stocks too. Last thing I would want to be doing in times of emergency is worrying that people we care about are not prepared to at least feed their families!


Anonymous said...

good on you :)

Anonymous said...

whats a crank
and do you have something to cook that rice on

Nik said...

Jen, a crank is a little handle that is turned to generate the power required. For cooking, depending on the nature of the emergency we have stove (if electricity is all good), woodburner with cooktop, bbq and camping cooker.