
August 28, 2007

I never thought I'd find gardening so...fulfilling

I *really* didn't think I'd ever feel this way! I started off on this journey just seeing is as a way to provide food for our family and a way of working towards a sustainable lifestyle. I have a friend who just loves getting out into her garden at every opportunity and I always slightly wondered just what it was that did it for her - I just saw it as a boring chore.

Well, now I know! For me, I have found it such an easy way to be one with nature and it's so meditative (as in, I am able to just think nothing and "be") yet other times I love the free thinking time it gives me which I don't often get (or seem to somehow avoid through being on the internet during my spare time which is anything but relaxing really (in the busy mind sense anyhow). It's also a way of me getting some much needed exercise (and boy am I feeling the pain of muscles that haven't been used for a while). I'm just wanting to be out there as much as I can -fortunately Nathan enjoys it too, Danielle not so much at the moment, so we pop down to the garden to work while she's sleeping.


Sandra said...

Thought you'd caught the bug Nikki. Fantastic! Have you got the compost fascination bug yet?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I was out in the garden the other day thinking along the same lines. In particular the meditative aspects. I've been spending a lot of time in a zen state while picking up thousands of bean bag beans one by one ;>