
August 09, 2007

Gotta get me some more propagators

Well my egg containers were worth the try, but they've gone all soggy and disintegrating. Fortunately most of the seeds have sprouted, so I transferred one batch this afternoon (corn) into little pots, but masses more still need doing. Will get Simon to collect my stash from my parents house on his way home tonight from visiting a friend over that way so I can work on doing those tomorrow.

I will also get a few more propogators so I can rest assured that they will all do their thing as they should (I suspect I turned some of the corn sprouts upside down by mistake since there is no distinctive top at this time (both ends are sprouting, but no leaves yet - well not discernable to my inexperienced eye) - so hopefully they survive!


Anonymous said...

Hi I found you thought Sharon's blog
yum corn
have a good weekend

Sandra said...

Snap! We bought another propogator yesterday as well. Great to see what you've been up to.