
August 12, 2007

Who would have thought...

...that I would lie awake at night worrying about my little girls down in the bottom of the garden? It was a rough and stormy night last night and I woke around 3am fretting that their roof had blown off their house and left them exposed to rain and wind.

So, a few hours later I finally fell back asleep and when I woke in the morning I asked Simon to go down and fix up their house (he had been slack and not finished the job and didn't prioritise it!).

They were fine though and the roof was still attached!

The house now has a nice big corrugated roof and all the plastic sides are reattached properly to stop any drafts. I went down this evening to feed them (Simon had forgotten - seeing the theme here??) after I got home around dusk and found them all snuggled up tightly in a row on the edge of the nesting box with their bums inside which would have provided them with a lovely insulation effect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL I wondered what your girls (children) were doing at the bottom of the garden
I guess you are talking about your chickens LOL