
July 22, 2007

A mixed bag...

Funny how all my achievements here seem to happen on weekends! Simon works all week while I'm here planning our weekends to be full of action (haha) and for using his man-strength - come Saturday morning and Bam! - off outside he goes...

* More chopping of firewood for storage for next winter

* Chickens moved on to their next plot - it was neat to see that the area they've been on for the past 2 wks is stripped bare of greenery and scratched up. They were excited to be moved on to get some fresh weeds to hook into. I finally sorted myself for an automatic water feeder - they have been running through the tray I had out for them in their excitement when we go down to feed them. I am wondering if one is actually a *him* with the very loud squwarking I've been hearing (someone tell me this is normal!), so hopefully no early morning crowing...

* This morning I put the propogator on my bed in the sun and covered it with a blanket and it went from about 4 seeds popping through the surface to about 12 of them in about 4hrs.

* I bought some seed potatoes, so will set those out in a week or so

* This afternoon in between rain showers while Danielle slept, Nathan and I measured out a 2m diametre circle on the front lawn using a stake and string (see picture below where it will be, roughly to the right of the outdoor table and chairs). I managed to cut it around with the spade before the rain hit, this marks the outline for my herb garden. Just need to dig it out and mix in some compost. I plan on using some large pumice we collected from Lake Taupo a few years ago to edge it and make it decorative. Will maybe even get the kids to paint some of them and stick bits of paua or glass beads onto them.

* And last, but not least - Simon got to go out for a windsurf this afternoon...I really hope the wind holds up for him.

Right, the rain has cleared, so back outside for digging out that circle.

1 comment:

Melanie Rimmer said...

Sounds like a great day. I've had quite a stressful couple of days so it's nice to read something so upbeat and positive.