
July 27, 2007

Face-to-face community

Yippee! Remember this post? Well a friend called up after reading the same newspaper article as I did and emailed me info on what the group plan to achieve. They are running weekly planning and information evenings and so tonight we went along to meet some of the other members, watched the 2nd half of a documentary on peak oil called "What a way to go: Life at the end of Empire" and had a discussion afterwards. Although the group is primarily being set up to get a community garden running I will only attend the Friday night meeting to glean information and network with like minded people. It would be interesting to see the garden in action, but realistically it is too far away to put in the time (only 15mins in the car, but still, not ideal). I am very excited about the speakers that will be coming along to the meetings though and there are apparently a few people from around my area who pop along sometimes, so that will be good too.

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