
July 19, 2007

Sometimes it feels like a solo-journey

Climate change...
Oil depletion...
Sustainable living...
Vegetable gardens...

So I was pleasantly surprised this evening when I opened up the local rag to discover a short article about a group planning on setting up a community vege garden.

"The move was seen as a local response to the increasing cost and impending depletion of petroleum, and the impact of global warming and climate change, said the organisers".

Even though they are the next town up from us, it's nice to know we're in company. If it weren't for my various internet pals and communities I'd feel quite isolated on this path we're travelling. However, face-to-face (lol Rach) communities are *definitely* worth developing.

1 comment:

Fire said...

How can it feel like a solo journey? You've always got me to be crazier than you! Only we're too ethical over oil use ever to meet each other!