
July 14, 2007

A fairly ho-hum day...

Simon went off today with a friend to go and collect some free-for-the-taking firewood from a forest of trees that need clearing to make way for native trees on a friends orchard - so he was gone for the day.

Myself and the kids had a pretty low-key day starting off making our way down to feed the chickens over the frost covered ground, then spent some time raking up leaves and twigs into mulch piles.

While Danielle napped, Nathan and I cleaned the outside windows (after the disaster from a few weeks back when the windows got completely mud splattered) - yes I've just sat here for 2wks peering out windows without seeing much! Nathan cleaned his playhouse...I think.

Then we moved on to clearing and digging up a garden which runs along the front of our house. It just had boring ground cover plants in it and I plan on putting our tomatoes and sunflowers in there in a few months, so wanted to get it all prepped. Next mission is to add a heap of compost and manure since it's basically all sand. Last years tomatoes that I put in there just didn't get the nutrients they needed compared to the ones in the square foot garden and it's special mix.

Tomorrow's list of outdoor chores is pretty long. I suggested to Simon that he might need to take a few leave days from work sometime soon and have a few long weekends to try and knock off some of the list. Guess he needs a windsurfing day soon!

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