
July 19, 2007


Well the time has come to plant my seeds! I want to grow fairly advanced seedlings before planting out, and being completely green at this thought I'd start to germinate a few seeds now and see how they go and will do more in a few weeks time as a comparison.

I ended up buying myself a propagator - I wasn't going to, but was finding myself in a stuck place with knowing what to do next. I was pleased to find one that was manufactured about 15mins north of us so it hadn't travelled far to get to our local shops.

So, I have 6 different vegetables on the go and the propagator is sitting in Nathan's bedroom up on his stand alone wardrobe LOL. His room gets all day sun, so gets a nice warmth in there without being too hot (likely chance at the moment anyway!).


Anonymous said...

Hey that's fantastic. Where did you get your propogator? What brand etc.? I've got to get moving on my own big plans!

Anonymous said...

That was me BTW! Just doing three things at once as usual...

Nik said...

Hehe, I wondered if it was you! Got it from the big red shed for under $10, brand is Propagro.