
June 03, 2007

Practical....and enjoyable too!

I'm learning to crochet. My first project was a skinny scarf using a few simple stitches which I made during the week. But, I don't really need scarfs and I wasn't really too sure what else to make.

I was at one of the local op shops yesterday having a browse while out running errands and found a few bags of lovely wool which I nabbed up super cheap. The only thing I could think of that wasn't too big, yet practical was to try my hand at making socks. So I found a free online pattern and I'm in the process of completing the ribbing of the first one. I'm really not sure exactly what I'm doing, but it's looking pretty good so far.

Watch this space!


Fire said...

Hi Nikki. Thanks for the peak oil info; I am planning on auditing myself too! And that's cool that you are learning to crochet. Nicky from Turangi taught me! I tried to crochet my own socks with no pattern, but they were too tight to fit over my heel.... and they kind of looked like chain mail... so I'd like to see your efforts!

Anonymous said...

That's cool Nikki. It's so weird that I just found a "how to knit" book at the op-shop. (It's a kids one with nice big pictures-I'm hoping that this level will be right for me)I didn't even think to look for wool while I was there, let alone needles. I've since been told that op-shops are really good sources of both! Typically I've not managed to be back yet...Anyway, my beginners project is going to be a hot water bottle cover. Figure I can't go very wrong with a couple of rectangles and I can practice different stitches.


Nik said...

Well boo to the socks lol! The rib was good, but when I started the ankel bit it just ended up too tight so I unravelled it and will attempt something else. Anoushka, I think a hotwater bottle cover might be achievable, I'm aiming a bit high for my "only learnt last week" skills!