
June 03, 2007

A hot cuppa!

Gotta get me one of these!

We finally got around to lighting our fire tonight around 5pm. I'm sure if it had been a rainy day we would have lit it sooner if we'd been in the house. But as it was, the day was quite fine despite the bitter Southerly that was in the air, so there was a birthday party to go to in the morning and then outdoor work to catch up on until dinner time.

This evening I decided to find out how long it would take a pot of water to boil on the cooktop of our fire. I put about a litre of cold water in the pot with lid on and it took around 15mins to bring it to a hard boil, so not too bad I don't think. So we've made several hot drinks on that tonight and plan on doing so from now on, on evenings that it's going (including cooking anything else I can if the day is cold enough for the fire to be lit earlier in the day). I just need to find a vessel that pours and one that might conduct heat better than my good stainless steel pots.

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