
June 01, 2007

Creating community

We have lived in this part of town for 4.5yrs and have not become actively involved in anything community minded, nor even gotten to know our neighbours much beyond a "hello" across the fence. It has been playing on my mind that this is an important aspect that we really need to to begin focusing and building on.

So, to my surprise (and delight), there was a flyer in my letterbox yesterday (the deliverer obviously bypassed the "no junkmail" sign - and yay for them lol). Anyhow, there was a community newsletter in there. There is a small residents group that run a committee that organise upgrades to local equipment, tennis courts, skate ramps for the kids, planting tree days at a local reserve, organise annual arts trails etc. I have seen this newsletter previously but not paid it much attention, so it was very timely considering I had just re-read the 100 Things list yesterday and felt like we were not in a position to complete any of the community minded points on the list and was unsure on where to start.

So! Today I filled out the membership form and sent away my small fee to become a part of this group.

It's a start.

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