
June 16, 2007

Bamboo & chook coops!

We had a large clump of bamboo growing in a portion of our section and last weekend I chopped it all down to use in making part of the fence (and will save the rest for later use). It has worked out quite well and made a really nice looking frame to attach my brushwood screens onto. Then I decided that it might be a good for building my chook coop and would therefore be able to get a larger size coop (instead of needing to move it twice to get the coverage I wanted for each garden bed) with it being lightweight enough to move around easily. So, I made the framework today (2m x 2m x 1m high) and lashed it all together using twine and cable ties. I have been off doing some googling and found it confirmed bamboo to be a useful material in construction (probably should have googled *before* building it), so here's hoping it stands up to the test of time (and that the chooks don't decide to gnaw away at it!). Simon is still to attach little crossbars at each corner to stabilise it more and then it can have the chicken wire and tarpaulin attached. Now to find me some chooks!


Fire said...

OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you get brown shavers!

Wendy said...

Forgive my ignorance :) what are chooks?????? :)

Nik said...

R, are brown shavers, bantams? I really need bantams to get around the whole bylaw with concrete floor. *sigh*

Wendy, lol, they're chickens to dig up my garden, eat the bugs and weeds, pets for the kids, and lay us some eggs :) Chat soon.

Wendy said...

Thanks! I learn something new everyday. I did look it up after I commented. It is a NZ and AU term it seems, so I dont' feel too embarrassed for asking being in the US LOL! Sounds great!

Rach said...

I share Fire's excitement for you!

zigadenus said...

I just found your blog when googling "bamboo chicken coops". I am reluctant to buy lumber to build a chicken coop when I have a big bamboo clump in my yard. I've already built a bamboo fence, but now I'd like to build a bamboo coop. Do you have a picture of yours? I'd love to see how you constructed yours!