
June 16, 2007

Outdoor adventures... kids have been conditioned to not having their own backyard to roam in until now. We've noticed that it's taken a couple of weekends for both of them to realise that this wonderful outdoors is *theirs* to do as they wish in. Instead of the first weekend saying "dad, come and watch me climb the tree", "dad, come and watch me as I ride my bike down the drive", "mum, come and throw the ball to me". It was relentless. Then I realised that they didn't really know how to relax in that sort of environment, nor play, explore, have adventures, use the space...

However, it's been interesting to note that the past few weeks, both kids have found their own little niche within our backyard and what it has to offer - last weekend we provided suggestions, this weekend they had their own and the fun and adventure just happened.

Danielle is still keen as on playing in the wheelbarrow (throw and blanket over the top and she's loving her little playhouse with nothing inside except herself) = 1 hour of fun!

Nathan was trying out all sorts of skills today. There is a hole in the backyard where the dog used to dig which had a bunch of bamboo positioned across it waiting to be used - he decided it made quite a cool bridge, so took a bit of experimenting to get across without falling into the hole and between the slats = 20 mins of fun (and no, the bike didn't seem to cross over despite trying); Simon discovered a huge worm in a hole he was digging, so the kids checked out the worm = 10 mins of fun; Nathan found an old ball in the bushes = 5 mins of fun till it fell to bit coz the plastic was brittle; Nathan standing up on the deck seeing how far he could throw his gumboots off = 10 mins of fun until they landed in the dogs run (again!) and I refused to retrieve them one more time; Nathan helping me attach the cable ties onto the chook coop = 5 mins of fun; Nathan climbing a tree - 2 mins of fun; going for a wee at the top of the retaining wall and seeing how far he can make his wee go = 20 secs of fun.

Now, to see how long it will take them to venture off down to the garden by themselves without us being there right beside them!

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