
December 18, 2008

Solar Sizzle

I think we had the sunniest day of the week and it was fantastic that it coincided with our plans for having a solar cook up with some homeschooling friends including Johanna and Em.

I had put mine on at 10.30am before everyone arrived and by 1.30pm was ready to eat. I made a pasta sauce (tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic, onion, balsamic vinegar, salt and sugar) and cooked up some rice noodles. The noodles could have had a little less cooking but were still totally edible.

Here are the cookers all set and ready to go.

We also had: black beans and nacho chips with cheese; chickpea curry; a delicious (non cooked lol) salad, asparagus and unfortunately Em's bread wasn't done. Johanna also made up a brew of Rosehip tea.

An all round delicious meal. The kids all ate a variety of what was on offer as well.

I had my thermometer in and it at one stage got up to 80 C but as the food started to steam it steamed up the bag which made the temperature drop a bit but maintained itself around the late 60's.

Shame we forgot to take a photo of the food, but we all dug in and ate and forgot about pictures lol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love how perfect and stable my solar oven looks in that pic - if only it worked that way for real!

Shame about that bread - it was later turned into rubbery buns with crunchy edges thanks to my oven at home... fail all round! I still have to try peeling the last few out of the pan - they're well stuck, oops. At least the kids had fun helping me make it.

Now to find out *why* the solar oven wasn't so good this time... at home it gets really hot and does a great job. Reckon I'll make a more stable one so it can stand up to wind and wont need the bucket underneath. (If I get around to it!)

Thanks heaps for hosting today, your deck was perfect for the job. What a fantastic lunch!