
June 26, 2007

A perfectly ordinary, yet perfect day!

So why is it some days seem such a struggle and others are just a breeze??

Today was one of the breezy days. It wasn't even action packed or full of things that usually keep them well entertained, but it just had such a nice even flow. I like what I read at a friends blog "we aim for a simple life, not a boring life". That rings so true for our family as well. Days do not need to constantly be full of action, or scheduled, or a constant stream of visitors. It's certainly nice to have a little of that and often it is in the form of visitors which we love. So while today perhaps had a bit more "media" than usual, it was nicely broken up.

It started off with a bit of TV for the kids as usual while I caught up on emails and ate breakfast. We all got dressed, then I cleaned and tidied the kitchen and put a load of washing on.

I asked Nathan if he wanted to write a letter to another wee boy who wanted to receive a letter and he'd get one in return - so we worked on his letter, popped it in an envelope for posting tomorrow.

By then the kids were ready for something more to do so we decided - since it's heading towards Thursday and "new vege box day" - to juice up some excess vegetables for a bit of an energy boost.

I realised the day was not going to get beyond 8 degrees, so we lit the fire, grabbed some books and spent some time reading. We all tidied up before Nathan wanted to watch a video while Danielle went off and played with her bubba while I prepared dinner with the odd visit from each of them now and again, then they played a bit together roughing around on the couch cushions which were piled up on the floor.

Since the fire was on, I cooked lunch on the cooktop. The kids decided to eat theirs as a picnic on the floor.

While Danielle was napping, Nathan and I set up a train track and added bridges made out of blocks. We then went and mixed up some bread for dinner and set it in front of the fire to rise. Nathan then wanted to have a little computer time which saw me deciding to start planning out what plants were going to go where in the garden when. So off to make a pot of fruit tea, settled on the floor in front of the fire and out came the permaculture book with LW's suggestions (Australian, and not entirely appropriate for my climate) and my trusty Yates book to get the best planting times for my environment. I think I have a pretty workable plan - hopefully! The lounge then got a good tidying up by us all, before more stories came out for reading in front of the fire.

Finally our nice hot leafy green (was going to be spinach, but there was also silverbeet and leek in there for using up) and potato soup and homemade bread was ready for consuming! We lit some candles for a bit of mid-winter feel-good.

Simon made it home early tonight by 5.30pm which is certainly a nice end to the day for me and means the kids get a good play session with him while he baths them.

Of course, we have perfect days which can be full on action packed, or any other combination. Yet, other days those same activities can also mean the end of the

Back into life outside of our house tomorrow...

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