
June 26, 2007

Putting in my order...

Last night I was doing some permaculture reading and how to go about growing seedlings. I am needing to begin preparing myself (if only in the mind if not in the physical sense - still got to get my head completely around it) for growing these soon for planting out in Spring. I liked the book's suggestion for recycling 1 litre milk containers (plastic or cardboard) with the tops and bottoms chopped off and once the seeds have germinated in the seed tray, they can be transferred into the milk containers to finish growing. Once they have reached a good size for the garden, container and all can go into the hole and slid up a little provide wind/chill protection before removing after a few days once the plants are over the shock of going into a new environment.

So, I got on the phone this afternoon and spoke to my step-dad about saving me their containers (our milk is in those soft plastic roll up bags, so not as easy to work with).

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