
August 05, 2009

More seeds have been popped into the propagators.

The first lot of seedlings have now been transferred from the propagators into little pots to continue to grow inside the hothouse (aka my bedroom lol) for another 6wks or so until the soil warms up and frosts are all safely gone (have only had about 3 frosts this year so far).

We've continued on with creating mulch, digging up paths and laying the mulch down and digging the steps down into the lower garden (is looking great!).

The strawberries are coming along nicely. Do *you* leave the flowers the first year or pinch them out to give a stronger better producing plant the 2nd and 3rd year? Seems to be one of those growing 'rules' that goes either way (kinda like tomatoes and their laterals)!

The garlics look great - but not so great with an entire wheelbarrow full of soil and weeds fallen on them though after a horrendous downpour all yesterday (what's with the sun one day, storm the next and sun the next?. Fortunately they are nicely established but still flexible enough to not seem to have been snapped off.

The bean teepee has been constructed and ready to go. I used last year's saved beans to pop into pots for these.

I bought a lemon tree to pop down in the lower garden where the soil is rich. I tried one in the upper garden about 18mths ago but it did absolutely zilch. I suspect the sandy soil (our area is built on sand dunes) and lack of water in summer wasn't a good combo. The lower garden seems to have better humidity, much better soil and dries out less due to less wind because of the fences and trees surrounding it.


Tammy said...

This is only my second year with strawberries so I'm really not sure if I would pinch out first year flowers or not .... probably not LOL.

Gypsy said...

Hah, my daughter just destroyed our strawberry plant, but new shoots have come up and we are going into our third year - they must be tough to survive our manic garden!!