I received some more seeds so hopefully have all that I need for now.
We only had one day out in the garden this weekend and managed to trim hedges to create material to go through the mulcher. While Simon was doing that I continued to dig the paths around the vege beds, lined them with wet cardboard and then layered on the mulch. It looks quite neat with all the different coloured cuttings.
On Saturday I took the kids down to the local markets and once we'd done there we wandered across the road to the beach. I thought it might look quite nice to place some seashells along the paths, so we gathered up a heap to take home. I arranged them around the pond and in a swirl going down the centre path.
I located my 5 large pots that I will put some of the tomato plants into when the time comes and they will be positioned against the far fence which has a platic trellising net mounted on it that I will tie them to. I then dug out another area that has a trellised fence against it for another 10 tomato plants. I widened the bed from last year so I can interplant amongst the tomatoes.
We planted our new apple tree.
I've decided that we will make a bean teepee similar to the one below in one of the old garden beds that is no longer included in the "grid". The soil is still good and nicely dug over ready for planting into. Around the outside I think we'll scatter a packet of wild flower seeds I have that are due to expire soon.

This year I'll put random sunflower seeds into each of the garden beds as well to create height and colour. We may even make a sunflower house as well.
The garlics are looking good with their tops all through and growing quite speedily.
I have about 3 broccoli heads forming now. Not sure that they will grow very big though as one of them seems to be growing sprouts already and it's only about 3cm in diametre. Will leave it in though since there is no point picking it the way it is!
The compost bins are nicely compressing down but doubt they'll be ready in time for me to use them when time comes to planting out my seedlings.
Have still been foraging a lot of chickweed for including in our meals when leafy greens are called for.
Thanks! Ah, it'll just be a decorative thing for the kids to play amongst (sunflowers planted in a grouping like a hut).
Ah, Sounds lovely ...
My broccoli are looking like they might not form large heads this year either :-( Last year they were magnificent. I'm putting this year's disappointing performance down to the unusually cold weather or leaving the seedlings too long before transplanting. Any ideas? Maybe it is too soon to judge?
Stephen,I'm not too sure. Mine is still growing but I don't think it will get much bigger (is about 6cm across now). There are a lot of side shoots though, so will continue to pick those instead. The organic ones arriving in my vege bo are only a little bigger, so must be the season. Probably also needed more nutritious soil too or an etra feed along the way? Sorry, typos, keys missing on keyboard.
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