
August 17, 2009

Independence Days update for August

A list of progress, completed projects and to-do's...

* Seedlings continuing to grow well and have been put outside under shelter on my porch and will put up another set of seeds in a few weeks.

* The two chickens are now laying an egg each every day - woohoo!!

* I've finally found a correspondence herbal course to do through Susun Weed. Can't wait to start.

* Need to shop for my passionfruit and grape vines in the next few weeks.

* Yikes, need to think about seed potatoes too!

* Reassessed the emergency food bin again today (can see this needs to be done every 3mths to be on top of it) and circulated food into the house and have some food to purchase in the next lot of groceries. It's all food that we consume on a week-to-week basis so nothing weird to try and use up. Tins will need to all come out at the end of the year as they will be 2yrs old and really need consuming.

* Have spotted *heaps* of calendula seedlings that have popped up from last years plants.

* Put some more flower bulbs in the ground (still can't recall what they are).

* Have reintroduced quinoa and rice back into our diets so have been having fun cooking some different meals again.


Johanna Knox said...

Sounds like everything is trucking along nicely! Will be keen to hear how the Susun Weed course goes.

To answer your question the other day, I have stalled completely on my herbal course. New work, plus selling up and moving house, is taking up every shred of spare time - as well as some voluntary committee work for a conference coming up in Sept. I keep thinking I will be more settled and able to restart by end of September. Fingers crossed.

Sharonnz said...

Can you email details about that course, Nikki? I'm looking at doing a local one (actually it was Johanna who reminded me on her blog that I've got one so close to me) but maybe your one is cheaper;-)

Nik said...

Oooh, Johanna, would love to hear an update sometime if you have time.

Sharon, could you email me? I lost my computer system a few weeks back and along with it ALL my email contacts :( I looked at the one up your way. 1. too spendy for me, and 2. I would find it difficult to get over there to do it. I am contemplating doing her 2 day course on harvesting, storing at some stage though coz that would be nice to get a hands on approach rather than reading about it.

Sandra said...

Off to google susan weed and see if it is an option for me now! Thanks Nikki. Spring is so slow to get cranking here (e.g although yesterday was gorgeous, I have the fire on this afternoon as the weather has gone backwards) that I'm not going to sow more seeds until just before the September full moon. Tomato plants go outside in *November* here!

Nik said...

Sandra, yeah, it depends on what you want to do it for. Most of the expensive ones are because they are working towards a 2 or 4yr diploma and go through setting up clinics and a business. I am just wanting to learn the properties of the herbs and how to prepare and use them. I found a suitable one in NZ that met my requirements but oddly they never replied to emails and their answer phone was overloaded and couldn't take anymore messages = weird (even stranger that they have been around for 30 years or so and I know several people that did their courses years ago).