
August 13, 2009

As we were eating our lunch today on the deck, I was admiring the view we have out over our backyard and beyond.

It's funny, I think the kids think I made paths for them to drive their dumptrucks around like a racetrack lol. I wonder how long it will last before the mulch ends up *in* the garden. Oh well, no matter either way, and it keeps the kids entertained and the garden likes mulch lol.


Nova said...

ooooooooo SO jealous!!

heh the kids vs mulch thing reminded me of a kid paul was working with who had decided that puddles disappear after rain cos people kick all the water off onto the grass to make it grow! :P i wonder if you purposely put your compost/mulch etc onto the paths how much the kids could displace onto the garden?!

Nik said...

LOL! love how their minds think.

Sandra said...

Lovely vista Nikki. What is the big tree in the centre called?

Nik said...

The Golden Totara? It's a lovely tree and Nathan has discovered he can climb right up the centre of it now which is cool. The funny little tree in the front is an olive (poor thing, it was badly placed by the previous owners and we found it in the way and then I regretted getting rid of it and now it's sprouted from the ground anyway - would have been much nicer as the original! Oh well, at least we still get it use it when I make olive leaf tea for the chooks and potentially for us when I learn how).