After sowing a bunch of seeds a few weeks back, I hadn't yet spotted any sign of any sprouting above the surface. But today I noticed some broccoli's had made their way through the soil. No sign of any of the others yet.
Worked on tidying my herb garden this afternoon - did a bit of pruning and weeding. Transplanted my lime geranium since it's taken over the garden and was crowding out a smaller lavender and majoram that were just behind it. Not sure if it liked being moved as it's roots were fairly far down. But it really wasn't suitable where it was. Have been busy reading my way through my herbal books.
Went for a walk with the kids this morning and spotted a heap of wild weeds in our neighbourhood - had a nibble of some wood sorrel on the way. Was inspired to use some chickweed in our dinner tonight. It is running rampant around the backyard like a thick lush mat, so I grabbed a large handful and sauteed it up with some silverbeet and added it to our frittata for dinner.
Attempted a new skill - distilling dirty water. Will need to work on the technique and equipment, but a fun activity to do with the kids.
Have bought a soap making kit which works out better value than buying my usual soaps and something fun to do too (although the whole lye process seems a bit daunting, so the kids will be watching from afar!).
It's not that bad. (the lye)
I mean, I send the babes out of the kitchen so they don't run through causing a spill, of course, but after you do it, you will not be so terrefied. :)
I need to make some, too-- I have to get to the natural store for non-hydrogenated shortening.
LOL, thanks! good to hear first hand from others who have been there!
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