
February 18, 2009

Homemade tomato sauce

AKA Ketchup

Just another one of those super easy, super quick recipes that I would never have thought to have made myself.

Since store bought sauce has sugar and a variety of other additives, I found a ketchup recipe in the SCD book that looked promising.

1 cup of cooked up tomatoes
1 tablespoon of vinegar
honey to taste

Whiz up and serve. I froze the rest into serving sizes.

OK, so not really much like the good old Watties Tomato Sauce, but a pretty good alternative when dinner calls for a sauce. I'm sure I can work on adding some spices (perhaps allspice as per the baked bean recipe?) etc to add a bit of extra flavour.

Tonight's meal was meat patties (with carrot, onion, silverbeet and garlic) served with honey-roasted pumpkin pieces and broccoli.

My head is in a pretty good space now with coming up with ideas for meals and easily whipping something up without wandering around the kitchen in a daze trying to figure out what to feed us all. I've got a pretty good standard base of recipes now and am quite happy that full on meaty meals still only feature about 3 times a week. We have upped out fish eating and have a couple of vegetarian meals a week too.

Making a batch of lentil and vegetable patties has become a bit of a standard "snack" for Nathan (Danielle's not so keen on them, but then he's the hungry one and she's happy with other alternatives without needing the "bulk") that also doubles as breakfast the next day.


Anonymous said...

Ketchup is a great idea - I'll have to remember that in 6 months when I'd drowning in tomatoes. (Especially since ketchup is the only "red food" my son will eat.)

Curious about the lentil patties... Did you already post a recipe, or can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I was just about to ask the same thing Nancy - I'd love the recipe.

I'll be trying sauce too - though I'm not sure if we'll get enough tomatoes for that, especially with the rate we're nibbling away at them!

Nik said...

Ummm, will need to see if I have a recipe. I think it's morphed over the past few weeks lol...

Johanna Knox said...

Hi Nikki - I tried to replicate Watties tomato sauce for the kids once - and I can't remember all the ingredients, but I seem to remember that I found cloves were one of the important spices to add!

I thought I got a good simulacrum, but the kids still wouldn't have a bar of it ...

Nik said...

Johanna, cloves, yes they sound they might be a good one to add. Thanks.